Ways to Give
Community of Vision​
Our Community of Vision is made up of partners committed to the long-term success of individuals and families facing homelessness by sustainably investing in the future of The Spencer Houses
When you become part of the Community of Vision, you’ll experience the joy of our occupants celebrations, be invited to give input to an annual visioning session, hear from families you impact, and have first priority for service opportunities. It’s a community that will help change lives – maybe even your own!
Join the Community of Vision:
MONTHLY GIFT SUSTAINER Partners who give monthly help us sustain vital services all year long, particularly when program costs remain steady but monthly giving season is slow.
ANNUAL PLEDGE LEADER Partners who make a multi-year pledge strengthen the long term financial sustainability of the mission so we can boldly plan for the future. Write the amount of your Annual Pledge in & let us know you'd like your donation to be annual.
MAJOR GIFTS VISIONARY Partners who make a transformative gift of $5,000 or more make an immediate and substantive impact to deliver vital programs and services to struggling prospective residents. Let us know you'd like your donation to be annual. Major Gifts can be mailed to: 2448 Sherwood Drive Ventura, CA 93001
BY MAIL OR PHONE To make a payment by phone, call: (805) 403 – 1615 Checks payable to: Una Vida (our DBA is The Spencer Houses) Mailing Address: 2448 Sherwood Drive Ventura, CA 93001
MATCHING GIFTS Corporate matching gifts are a type of giving in which companies financially match donations that their employees make to nonprofit organizations. Companies of all sizes match donations because it’s an easy, structured way for them to support good work in their communities. Does your company match? Simply go to our online donation form where you can search your company name to see if they will match. When you make a donation, you can request a matching gift from your employer (if they offer this program), who then makes their own donation. Companies usually match donations at a 1:1 ratio, but some will match at a 2:1, 3:1, or even a 4:1 ratio! In effect, your gift will go twice as far!
Major Giftor
Partners who make a transformative gift of $10,000 or more make an immediate and substantive impact to deliver vital programs and services to struggling individuals and families.
3-year Annual Pledge
Partners who make a multi-year pledge strengthen the long term financial sustainability of the mission so we can boldly plan for the future.
Monthly Gift
Partners who give monthly help us sustain vital services all year long, particularly when program costs remain steady but monthly giving season is
Email us at thespencerhouse.org